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Covid-19 Respiratory Masks and Business Continuity

As of 12 March 2020, the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) has become a critical issue with significant implications on both social and economic levels. Although the United States has now taken significant and historic steps in an effort to contain the outbreak and reduce transmission rates, businesses must ensure that proper business continuity and emergency plans are adequate to support functions at this critical time period. For businesses that have operations and divisions that cannot carry out functions remotely, respiratory masks should be stocked and available as necessary. Businesses that operate in and around high-risk demographics or in an area with significant transmission rates should particularly act to ensure stock and availability of respiratory masks at the N95, KN95, FFP2 or higher rating masks.

Through our network of security providers, Rovas Global is able to facilitate purchases of requisite respiratory masks. Click below for more information and purchase options.

Gabriella Cserei